Della holds a B.A in English from the University of Texas at Brownsville, has authored part of an anthology for the National Writing Project (NWP). She has been a Teacher Consultant for the NWP and for the past two years she has been a Cybersecurity Camp Evaluator for GenCyber visiting camps nationwide. She loves volunteering and is both a Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) Champion and an Ambassador for Technolochicas; which is part of the National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT). She is a CS Discoveries Educator certified by Code.org and has served her community as a Girls Who Code Sponsor for Code RGV a non-profit organization in the Rio Grande Valley.
As a life-long learner she strongly believes that we all should continually aspire to learn new things. She is a self-taught programmer who earned an IT Fundamentals Certification from Comp TIA and received a graduate certificate from Abilene Christian University in 2022.
Since she is a seasoned teacher with 25 years of experience, she has been invited to participate as both a speaker and panelist in several conferences throughout Texas. Her latest accomplishments have been becoming a Virtual Instructor for Cisco Net Academy, serving for one year in AmeriCorps, writing the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society Newsletters, and designing and launching multi-million afterschool CS programs in Illinois.